Composite bonding aftercare
Caring for your composite bonding effectively will determine its longevity. With good care, composite bonding can last between 5-7 years. Yearly repolishing and regular visits to the dentist and hygienist will help to keep it looking fresh, and help deal with any stain that may build up around the edges.
A time will come however when the composite will need to be removed and replaced, or at least resurfaced, in order to restore its shine and natural appearance. It is important to remember that composite bonding isn’t quite as strong as a natural tooth, so it’s important to employ a bit of caution when eating or chewing anything hard. A perfect excuse to give up any nail biting or pen chewing habits.
When it comes to food stuffs, as with natural teeth, composite bonding can stain, but in a slightly different way, so we recommend you avoid tea, coffee, red wine, smoking and food which may stain for 48 hours after having the procedure done, and ideally permanently adjust your intake to preserve the colour of composite and minimise staining. Whitening treatments can also help minimise staining and any staining usually occurs at the edges of the composite, where it meets the natural tooth.
Immaculate oral hygiene and seeing the dental hygienist regularly will help to preserve your composite bonding whilst maintaining good oral health. If your dentist identifies any signs that you may grind your teeth, he or she may recommend that you wear a mouthguard at night to protect the composites.